Seattle February 2004

Yet another fabulous weekend in Seattle, WA!
This time we had Vicky, too!

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Ok, you caught me... These first pictures are not taken in Seattle, but rather in my apartment. To be fair, I did fly to Seattle the next day!

Mary and her son.

Me and Valen!

Now the following pictures are really in Seattle...

Karen broke a totally awesome mirror. Bad luck for her! Hmmm, or was it good luck...

Breakfast! This place had really yummy donuts.

Richard, Vicky and Karen walking...

Me, Karen & Vicky just chillin'.

Suddenly Vicky gets animated! The caffeine kicked in!

A shop named after me!

Richard & Karen waiting for us to cross the street.

We're walking...

No need to go inside to find the Lusty Ladies!

Aw, aren't they so cute!

Dinner, yum!

All four of us at a party - shortly before we played a vicious game of Battle of the Sexes!

Look out for that train!

We're all ready to give the Wine Train another chance.

Vicky & I are so excited to be on the Wine Train!

Yeah! The train actually made it to the winery this time!

Pumpkin, Verbel and Karen are worn out from the adventure.

Chris finally comes out to play, after Richard promises him we'd go bowling after dinner.

Yeah, food!

This is a really bad picture of the skate boarder with the afro that constantly skated back and forth by the restaurant where we had dinner.

At the bowling alley bar, waiting for our lanes. Bowling is a very popular sport in Seattle!

Karen & Vicky putting songs on the jukebox.

Look at the form! Wow, Starscream!

Snatch is rockin' the alley!

Go Kleen! I was Jerk - our names came from the answer to a Battle of the Sexes question.

Lelio going for another strike!

Vicky & Richard are thoroughly enjoying their MGDs!

Vicky, Karen & Chris - drinking more MGD.

Check out those scores!

I'm not sure *what* is going on here!

This night keeps getting weirder.

Those awesome scores!

Vicky & Karen sitting on Chris's lap.

Everyone gets on Chris's lap!

Third game was a charm for me, but not for everybody.

Lunch and those creepy pearl drinks.
Wow, we were exhausted!
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