July 2002, Fort Wayne, IN

It seemed like a good idea when we booked tickets, but for the record: it's incredibly hot and humid in the midwest in the summer! Fortunately, family and friends made the trip a lot of fun!

(Click on image to see larger version)

Janet with Ryan (it's her birthday!)

Ashton, Kevin, Brad, Grandma, Janet, Ryan and Christiana

Grandma and Ryan

Baby's don't really hold still for photographs.

add Grandma's sister, Mary Catherine.

Me with my nephew Ryan.

Me and Ryan, again!

Sean and Ryan

Kevin and Brad. Brad just won a good sportsmanship award!

Tyler, me and Shannon

Grandma and Sean, out for a late night snack.

Me, David, Grandma, Sean and Randy.

Valen does not believe in silverware.

Christiana and Shannon

Mary (who's very pregnant), David and me!

Noah, me and Randy

Sean on the Notre Dame campus.

The dome

The grotto

The Koehls, enjoying a tour of the campus.

The Bubbs, a Koehl, and a Wise - only one Notre Dame graduate in this photo!
Me and Sean, in front of "Touch Down Jesus".
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