Seattle March 2003

Another fabulous weekend in Seattle, WA!

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Karen & Richard enjoying a hot cup of SBC!

Karen and I are ready for our train ride to Washington wine country.

Richard and Karen, on the Wine train.

Karen, back at the house, after our train ride was cancelled due to smoke in one of the cars.

Richard making alternate plans.


Shopping downtown!

Chris joins us for dinner.

Richard and Chris waiting for our first round of MGD.

"El Chrisco" bowls again!

"Starscream" is threatening to overthrow El Chrisco. Well, he's whining about it anyways.

"Lexi" was actually the best bowler of the evening.

Chillin' at the lanes.

Karen is giving the boys bowling tips.

Another strike!

Chris and Richard are very impressed.

Check out Karen's first game score!

Karen and me, ready for some more MGD!
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