USENIX Security Symposium,

Washington DC, August 2001

Out for dinner and beer ...


Craig & Keith.
Craig just comes for the great company (ok, it's the beer)

Me and Mike

Mike, who has been promoted from "townie" of Purdue to DC "townie".

Alec & Christoph


All of us!

Alec & Keith wandering the streets, searching for more beer.

The next evening, at the USENIX reception...

Don and Alec


Yuri and Keith

Warren and Casper

Mudge focussing intently on his beer.

Me & Keith holding still for a really long time for Alec to take this photo.

Another experiment in flashless photography.

Later, at the Sun BOF
There were lots more photos from this, mostly of large groups of people - email me if you're interested in them.


Glenn, Lance and Donna loitering before the BOF

Keith, who was acting as Vanna this evening...

Casper being stumped, in the great "Stump Casper and Win Cool Stuff" contest.

Even later at the "Drink Beer with Friends" social hosted by Donna

Lance & Casper, spend their free time bartending

Will the real Peter Honeyman please stand up?

?, Casper & Darren

Our most gracious hostess!


Warren, John, Keith & Donna

Guido & Lance


Donna & me

Lance, Keith & John

Lance, me, and Darren

I have no idea what was going on here...I'm sure it was something to do with the beer (in the bathtub) 
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