December 2001

Miscellaneous photos from December
(Click on image to see larger version)

Sean's Birthday

Our tree & stockings

Valen and daddy Chris

Valen and Christiana

Grandad (my dad) telling Jason about the Civil War

Brad, Pat, Jason, Christiana and Ashton

Janet, Ryan and Ashton

Kevin, Chris, Grandma Mary (Chris' grandmother) and Valen

Mom, Janet and Me
(I'm not really that tall, Janet's just not wearing shoes!)



Ryan, again


Ryan (hey, he's my new nephew - had to get lots of photos!)

Jason got a new bike!



Did you ever stop to think that it might really be the parents driving their kids up the wall?

Mary, Christiana and Remy


Christiana and Ashton


Christiana chillin' in her fort

Ashton & Christiana

Ashton trying out his new bow & arrow set

Valen and me

Valen and me, again!

Randy, the Uno master

Me, not so good at Uno.

Me and Randy.

Me and Randy, again!

Lunch at the Cliff House (Ok, this was really taken in January - but all the rest of the photos are from December!)
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