DefCon 11 - August 2003

I went to back to Las Vegas this summer for my 9th DefCon (I started going at DefCon 2, but missed DC7). It's always good to see friends and sit in on a few sessions. Thanks, Artimage, for the crash space!

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I am playing catchup with Charles, who was already quite drunk when I arrived Thursday night.

I finally get into the Ghost Bar in the Palm and meet up with Artimage!

Charles & Artimage, chillin'.

Artimage & me - I'm wearing a classic DefCon 2 t-shirt made by Art and Richard.

Charles and me on the balcony of the Ghost Bar.

Charles & Art - I really don't know what we are doing with the hand signals. I think we're punk rock, or else gang bangers... or maybe we just had too much to drink.

Our first set of room keys had a nifty DefCon logo on them - only 2 of the 3 actually worked. This resulted in a 7AM wake up call from Charles, begging to be let into the room.

Friday night in the Hard Rock, drinking free drinks (the best kind) - it's Artimage, Charles, Adam and Tobin!

Oddly enough, I ran into Chris in the Hard Rock on Friday. We both come from Indiana, both now live in the Silicon Valley - but haven't seen each other for years!

Charles and Brian hanging out by the pool.

Hacker Jeopardy - Team Bitch Magnet features Tobin and friends.

Bitch Magnet is in deep thought.

Tobin has been distracted from the game by the pretty lady.

He just can't pay attention to the game (that, and their buzzer didn't work).

Team Bitch Magnet does an admirable job racking up the beer points. They were distressed to learn that the mini-keg of Heinikin did not count.

After being distracted by the pretty music by the pool, Tobin finally makes it to his own party!

Adam, the fiesty bartender!

Yet another set of malfunctioning keys.

Me and Charles, bright and early Saturday morning.

Me, Greg and Charles.

The love interest of the minute, Leslie.

Leslie surprised Charles in the lobby, which resulted in beer all over John.

Charles and Tobin - Tobin has just acquired a tripleX hacker film.

Charles keeps breaking his bed - he had lots of problems this weekend. He couldn't dress himself, couldn't keep the water in the shower, couldn't go to bed before sunrise ...

Another set of roomkeys - they still don't all work!

Charles chillin' with the 303!

Artimage and I are dressed for the black & white ball.

Charles and Justin.

Hmmmm... it seems that we brought too many people to get into Cezar's Challenge... oops!

Ray, the great doorman that let me in, sharing a drink with Anthony.

More folks in Cezar's Challenge.

Yeah, free drinks!

Ray and Artimage

Brian, Melanie and JT!

What Charles left behind ...
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